Friday, October 23, 2009

City where I was born

City, where I was born and grew up
What is Ostrava like?
In my opinion it is hard to judge if you are impartial reader. It is very subjective to tell how other people perceive our beautiful city. So you should accept that this text is written from my personal point of view.
Firstly, Ostrava is a place, where I was born and grew up. I love it there, All streets, squares, shops except for huge hypermarkets!

As for me, Ostrava has to fumble with recent history. It was called „Black Ostrava“ and it used to be the biggest producer of iron and steel in Czechoslovakia. Nowadays, it has completely changed, it is not BLACk anymore but GREEN and COLOURFUL. I think that everything is getting better here. Public transport is one of the best in our country. And it is not expensive.

And now some negatives. For me it is a big number of hypermarkets. It seems to me like a big shopping centre full of people buying useless goods. It is new life style. It is strange…
The third problem is area called Nová Karolina (New Karolina). According to plans there will be dwelling area. Due to financial crisis, the realization was postponed.
To put in a nutshell: Ostrava is quite strong economic city but still a little black. Its future depends on us!
David Grant

Our opinion about Ostrava

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How does Ostrava present itself?

How does Ostrava present itself?

Population and people in Europe

This is a blog that hosts an eTwinning project.

Through the project students will learn more about their own region, living there and they can appreciate its traditions more then now. They can get in touch with students from other countries sharing the same topic. So, classes from differents countries consider their own region and the relevance of population studies in understanding what is happening in their region, what gives the region its character, which impact does the population have, which impacts will population growth have globally.

The work process: Pupils will introduce the place, they live in. They will show, how the place presents itself. Students will present the region from their point of view. Students will show beauties of the region and explain why it worths visiting Students will mention the problems of the region. Students will suggest possible ways that can solve the regional problems. Students will try to answer some questions like : situation and life in our region before and after we join EU, future of the region, important events and personalities of the region.